According to most of the subjects which is difficult in the first days. All thoughts during this period revolves around alcohol. Who wants to drink slowly to allow for active activities and retreats to escape it's a problem. The situation is complicated by the fact that, friends and acquaintances invite you to continue the habit of drunken parties and celebrations. Hard to give up, especially is Mock and denigrate the idea of a sober lifestyle. A successful counter-the next will be easier. She's not a really good friend if they turn back, ref a disclaimer about alcohol.

How to stop drinking?
People you can trust, spent thirty days sober:
- Changing the sense of taste – it's always more delicious dishes, food ceases to be "appetizer", and a source of additional positive emotions;
- increases concentration – increases brain activity almost 30 days without alcohol of 18% concentration and attention not only reflected, but also memory, ability, quick decisions, etc.;
- normal sleep – vivid dreams starting to see someone, and someone just asleep like the dead all night and the next morning feeling well rested;
- rises, stress – on the contrary, in everyone's opinion, strong alcohol is a sedative, a drink, destined to endure heavy so amateur and force majeure. 35 days sober living is already complicated life easier and the solution to a stressful situation is given the task of the heart is not considered;
- improved physical indicators – who sports, we're celebrating, a good concussion for the physical development of the alcohol that gives a full.
But these ones, Physical Education, recognized: it is easier to walk up stairs, dogs admitted, enjoy hiking and physical labor that brings a pleasant tiredness, not unbearable fatigue. Months alcohol who stopped for a drink, have no desire or need the difference in time back to the start. Drunk and realise life as a comparison, many people final pathological sober. Unfortunately, most people do not know without a drink for rest and relaxation. Such a love-grows mainly alcohol and alcohol addiction. The whole body of any harmful effects of alcoholic drinks. Ethanol is irritating to mucous membranes, internal organs, violation of the gastrointestinal tract, brain, kidney and liver excessive drunk.

Provides relax and binge to forget negative thoughts. Personality completely corrupted the path of abuse and death. The payment is worth it fun, special health? Ultimately sober living is open to pros. Health Statistics, people, present time is cancelled, no alcohol is faced with:
- poisoning;
- heart disease and liver;
- White fire;
- fragile.
You need to drink in moderation
If a person takes a drink, then the question Like "drink in moderation?". Powerful with all results possible poisoning of the body while sleeping. The man is a teetotaller, of course, is the heart, liver and brain is under attack. Face life for the sobriety — norm, never confronted alcohol addiction. Advantages of sobriety in the face. Hot drinks, not just the harmful effects on internal organs, at the same time reflected in a person's appearance. You can easily learn an addicted person. There appears, bags under eyes, and his face is swollen, skin is gaining more grey hair brittle and dull. A life without choice, alcohol, and also in the hotel you also have youth and beauty.
Drinkers often people alone. They wanted to believe tomorrow is Miss infocu in Istanbul, friends and family. Selecting issues such as we are not afraid of a sober lifestyle. Opportunity to breed and raise, healthy children, another important benefit for quitting alcohol. According to statistics, the ethanol took it, and destroyed the lives of many children. Life may be alcohol, bright and colorful. How fun to spend your time and what drink? There are many good alternative "alcohol" weekend. To get the most it may be a fun weekend:
- select the right company;
- nature exit;
- take a trip;
- tours of the home visit.
I can't live without communication? Then find a company where alcohol can't stop in the first place. Fun to spend and a family apartment. Guys that can make a big company. Healthy positive features playing Monopoly or football. Children's entertainment craving to be captured to teach you to have fun without alcohol. If nothing helps, you eliminate thought of as fresh air. To relax in nature without alcohol? Dream and effective methods should be to make parachute or learn to fly wings. If you don't like extreme activities, you have a sleepover or to go for a ride on the lake in a boat. The weekend will give you a lot of positive and unforgettable emotions.

I can't live without travel? I like new experiences a go and help any city. Optional fly and expensive islands, you can read a little trip to the nearby towns and it's easy. Like a vacation without drink? If liking a classic theatre and rescue exhibition. Why all this trouble, then, cinemas, concerts, popular group. Interesting and such a fun weekend remembered for a long time.
If a norm on a Friday night with friends at a bar for you, something it's time to change this tradition and learn to relax without alcohol. Relaxing at home as much as possible? To help out a busy week stress, warm water pool, with foam on your favourite music, a good movie or Ankara. An interesting book or a computer game that helps alcohol in order to escape. The brain that makes this type of holiday works better. Sleep then, is guaranteed. To drink or to drink alcoholic beverages — the individual person and the final decision is yours without comment. Who put the alcohol and the joys of becoming more beautiful in the first place of choice for a long time a catch a healthy lifestyle and live each day pessimism.
Has a habit of modern society, any celebration consume large amounts of alcohol, whether beer, champagne, vodka, moonshine or home tincture. There is a saying: "Alcohol in small doses is harmless in any number of" now sounds very funny, like in the old days. We sometimes fatal dose possible, then we are already fighting for life we ain't, Doc. Buy alcohol to drink becomes the norm.
Drink often does not meet expectations due to an attempt to get rid of first, what a disappointment, it seems, no point to go further. But there are problems with a clear awareness — a powerful energy that it gives me a glimmer of hope for a forever alcohol to clean daily life. Every effort has been acquitted yourself achieve the goal and they should beware. It is unfortunate that life will be renewed once lost the craving for drinks start to appear the circle of friends, new interests and hobbies, looks great and the kids will delight in our family tradition, your success in school, in sports, creativity.

Health every day, the future back to normal, active and robot brain for the functioning of the internal organs more efficient. Never regretted about your choice in favor of a healthy lifestyle studies never an alcoholic, but who wants a drink the memory of the strike spent years miserable forever. To prevent recurrence failure, drugs, alcohol sold to be consumed on a periodic basis in the market. Making it a perfect solution, daily sports, that will fall resulting in blood adrenaline and endorphins — hormones of happiness.
- Changing the sense of taste. Appetizers and more delicious food than a familiar food starting to be perceived as a source of positive emotions.
- Improved sleep quality. The patient the next morning feeling rested.
- Increases the concentration. Decisions it easier for a person, attention and concentration.
- Grow physical indicators. The patient can more easily walk up the stairs on the street. Physical labor that brings a pleasant tiredness, not fatigue.
- Rises, stress. The problem is that the heart does not accept.
It's not as simple as it looks like to give up a hot drink. In the first stage of alcoholism is a voluntary effort by getting rid of a bad habit. Alcohol flows more difficult and transmitter 2-3 scene.
Ways of treatment
Ethanol worse with each passing day – this is a small victory. The most important positive changes already after 30 days notice, life without alcohol:

- Changing the sense of taste. Appetizers and more delicious food than a familiar food starting to be perceived as a source of positive emotions.
- Improved sleep quality. The patient the next morning feeling rested.
- Increases the concentration. Decisions it easier for a person, attention and concentration.
- Grow physical indicators. The patient can more easily walk up the stairs on the street. Physical labor that brings a pleasant tiredness, not fatigue.
- Rises, stress. The problem is that the heart does not accept.
A few months later a man began to live a sober life what better. That being said, alcohol, opinions, old friends, "unfortunately". Alcohol consumed as optional in the evening after work to relax. Ultimately, without a great comment, other entertainment, will be seen less.
Why do we smoke, drink alcohol, if this hurt?
Supported the idea of our society in every way, drink slowly, in moderation is acceptable and even useful.
Drink All — Star show, actors, politicians, powerful people, Peter 5 neighboring apartment.
One more thing, bad, like everyone else, and it's even better. Wrong biggest and most dangerous line of thought, one drink another beer at the end of a heavy work week is quite the honor, only it is necessary!
Lies, deception .. etc weaving our lives as most real alcohol medicine slowly, slowly all the other fun.

Her interest in society's attitude all the way to the fuel. We have a lot to talk about, but in normal life not condemn. The condo and if so, good, sufficient, bar or any nearby store and come and have fun with your friends. It has become a part of the culture. For example, my life began with sweet tincture make new friends.
Children, especially teenagers, watching carefully, surrounding them, and now I understand why I tried poison for the first time.
Just saw dozens of holiday that adults drink and a laugh, array, the most important moment of your life for a romantic couple where the amount and sparkling glass.
I'm more sure around gave a series of similar images sat very tightly in the subconscious, we don't even notice them.
How stop drinking alcohol? no The main ideas I want to convey to you stay, and again the difference is what is really happening. Strange things here are very much in love.
Drinking real!
How to stop drinking in the first stage? At this stage they are not physically addictive, and withdrawal syndrome is expressed. The hot beverage is based on the holidays, meetings, friends, or after a day's work. Is a world of not being able to relax and have fun. The company alcohol instead of soft drink (iced tea, coffee, soda, energetic, Coke). There are too many cocktail recipes containing alcohol.

All aspects of the development life begins. Not gonna lie probably the biggest change, is that change is familiar in your area. Some companies in the first place it will be hard not to drink that binds only will you know it's a public holiday. In my case I had, even throwing a thought I had walked even though predominantly bikers or rockers, among them, of course, many people drinkers. I couldn't tie between the creative elite and a freelance artist. But still if you have a decision, to ignore this step dozens of call-invite everyone disappeared somewhere. Yes, and I have no regrets, stayed, only the most loyal friends. And this will most likely be the case as a change of scenery.
Ayşe "filter" and clean people life stick. We eat at a table that exists but doesn't mean it's not worth it. Full or vice versa you'll see can be fun, and without the stimulus, if a company is good. On the screen a lot of time to think in advance, it may take him more. Find a new hobby, your a retard with a head. I watched hours of video of sports and I chose the right exercise techniques, and, of course, it's practical. Skydiving you first, draw a picture or inspiration, rock climbing. Most importantly, you get the first few months. Try to drink more clean water and to educate yourself go of the gas and useful food.